Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Friday, December 4, 2020

30 Minutes for 30 Days, the Return: Day five

 "My Bolognese has a First Name, it's G-i-o-v....."

Today's work out started with a thrust and lunge drill taught by Justin Aucoin, known as Remy Delamontagne de Gascone, Master of Defense in the SCA.

It is a measure (misura) drill incorporating the thrust (stoccate/punta) and lunge (affondo). It's a timed drill, fitting x-amount of correct thrust and lunges into a set amount of time.

The four measures to cover are:
Strettissima - Point the sword to strike
Stretta - Point the sword and lean the upper body forward to strike
Larga - Point the sword, lean the upper body forward and bend the knee to strike
Largissima - Point the sword, lean the upper body forward and bend the knee and step to strike

Sixty seconds for each measure, work both hands. It is is not a race. It means nothing if the attacks are sloppy and incorrect.  In fact, it would be destructive to the fencer for the bad technique.

Justin's You Tube channel "The Tavern Knight's Barracks" is a fantastic resource.

From there was combination stepping based on the solo forms of Giovanni dall'Agocchie and Achille Marozzo. 

Ilkka Hartikainen has an excellent You Tube channel, as well.

Today is also day 5 of the 30 Day Squat Challenge. 70 squats were completed

What I am finding as more of a challenge is pushing through the daily physical and emotional exhaustion. I have gotten used to just crashing after school lets out, getting some things done around the apartment, the watch tv until it's time to go to sleep. Two nights a week we have set for game night with friends of ours, these really do help.

I want this, though. I don't know when it will be safe enough to train with another person, but I want to be ready and better than I currently am when that day does come.

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