Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

30 Minutes for 30 Days, the Return: Day 8

 "The System is Offline Tonight!"

A fight is never strictly linear, regardless of how it starts out. Being able to change angles for either attack or defense (they can be one in the same), or stepping off the center line (off line) can be the difference between winning and losing.

Achille Marozzo was very clear about the advantages of circle or compass stepping as well as using angles. He is shown crossing swords with another while standing on an eight pointed star or compass.

Tonight's drills included offline advances and retreats, circle steps and directional changes. First empty hand, then with rapier.  The space I am working in is pretty tight, which I don't mind; it keeps my motions compact and spatial awareness must be used.

Last night's thrust and lunge drills were repeated.

30 Day Squat Challenge: Rest

Octagram by Thomas V. Berger

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