Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Monday, December 28, 2020

30 Minutes for 30 Days, the Return: Day 28


Disengagement (Cavazione): Moving either over or under your opponent's blade to free your weapon from their (attempted) engagement or parry.

"A successful attack by disengagement needs to be made in an oval motion, such that the disengagement finishes as the lunges finishes-otherwise, you would not arrive in tempo.  If you do as I have described above and you have made the disengagement in tempo the enemy will not be able to parry."
                                                                                                                                          ~Salvator Fabris

Disengagements are used for attacks and counter attacks by changing the line the sword travels past your opponent's blade.

Tonight's drills were disengagements from terza to seconda, then terza to quarta, accompanied with lunges.

As a variable, terza rolls to prima with a passing lunge.

Repeat of the first set of drills with passing lunges.

Perform on both sides.

Gran Simulacro dell'Arte e dell'Uso della Scherma ("Great Representation of the Art and Use of Fencing"); ~Ridolfo Capo Ferro,1610

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