Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Sunday, December 20, 2020

30 Minutes for 30 Days, the Return: Day 20

 "Into the Narrows"

Our dog, Yosei is loving his first snowfall! He is barely two, and around this time last year, he was a stray. Fortunately it was a relatively easy winter.

He's a small boy, a little over twenty pounds, but he hit the snow without fear. Instinctively he knew how to step, how to adjust to run and hop, always keeping his balance. Even when he broke through the surface.

It made me think about how my fight would have to adjust in eight inches of snow.

I've said it many times, an effective martial art should be adaptable to the environment the fighter is in.

Taking the workout into the living room, I rant footwork, thrust and lunge drills between the couch and book case. It's a good reminder to keep elbows in and stepping to shoulder width. 

I've found that throwing in a variation now and then is not only fun, but it does give a certain "keeping it honest" perspective.

30 Day Squat Challenge, Day 20: Rest

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