Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Monday, December 21, 2020

30 Minutes for 30 Days, the Return: Day 21


"For the animals soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes"
                                           ~Animal, Disturbed

Animals have always been connected to martial disciplines in one for or another.

The amount of animal systems in Gung Fu is infamous, though they exist (sometimes just in techniques) outside of that system, too.

In 1410, Italian master Fiore dei Liberi (1350 - sometime after 1409) released his famous manuscript "Fiore di Battaglia" (The Flower of Battle). It is a major work of combat covering everything from empty hand combat to swords, spears, batons, daggers and mounted combat.

They are major works of art, as well.

Just as importantly, they cover Martial Philosophy and Virtues.

On a page, known as the Segno in the Getty version of the manuscript, there is an image of the Master with seven swords (Sette Spade) around him to symbolize the seven cuts and there are four animal.; each symbolizing a specific Virtue or philosophy of training.

Directly above his head, representing Prudence (Prudenzia) is the Lynx holding a compass:
"No other creature is able to look so clearly as me, the lynx, and by this I ever I ever reckon by compass and measure"
(Meio de mi'louo ceruino non uede creatura , E aquello meto sempre a sesto e mesura.)

On his left, representing Clerity (Celeritas), is the Tiger holding an arrow:
"I am the Tiger, I am very quick to run and turn, that the arrow in the sky cannot approach me."
(Yo tigro tanto son presto a corer e uoltare / Che la sagita del cello non me po auancare.)

On his right, representing Audacity (Audatia), is the Lion holding a heart represents 
"None bears a more ardent heart than me, a lion, and I challenge anyone to battle."
Piu de mi lione non porta cor ardito , pero de bataia faço a zaschaduno inuito.

Directly below, representing Fortitude, (Fortitudo
 is the  Elephant with a tower on his back:
"I am the elephant and I have a castle for a burden, and never do I kneel down nor do I lose my true place."
Ellefant son e uno castello ho per cargho, e non me inçenochio ni perdo uargho.  

Prudence is caution, but it is not fear. It's Situational Awareness and Threat Assessments. It's having the ability to read your opponents' body language and see how they respond to yours.
Fight intelligently

Celerity is speed, but it is also timing. Being fast isn't good enough, you have to know when to use it. Find that opening and know how to exploit it. Know when to advance but also be able to change directions.

Audacity is boldness. Facing off against someone is nothing to do half heartedly. To meet steel to steel, hand to hand; it is impossible to execute any technique without boldness.

Fortitude is courage in the face of adversity and pain. To gain victory, or even survival, we need to be able to move through pain, obstacles and unfair odds.

Our training requires all of this.  The battlefields might be gone, but to attempt to master the sword, these Virtues are paramount.

by Thomas V. Berger

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