Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Saturday, December 12, 2020

30 Minutes for 30 Days, the Return: Day 12

 "Back in Motion"

"I'm a wheel, I'm a wheel
I can roll, I can feel
And you can't stop me turning
Cause I'm the sun, I'm the sun
I can move, I can run
But you'll never stop me burning...."

~Man on the Silver Mountain, Ronnie James Dio

Ronnie James Dio was an amazing performer, writer and singer. A highly creative and intelligent man who finished his last world tour with stage 4 stomach cancer.
He finished his days doing what he loved.  He was and is an inspiration right to the end.

This body has definitely been through some things over the last five decades or so, but I keep finding a way back, or through. Each time is a little tougher, but it is what it is.

Tonight was full motion footwork; empty hand at first. Slow, then faster. Advance, retreat, passing and half passing. Linear, off line and circular.

Picking up my sword, I repeated the sequences and included thrusts and lunges. This time I drilled from porta di ferro stretta (narrow iron door) and cinghiara porta di ferro stretta (left leg forward).

30 Day Squat Challenge, Day 12: 95

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