Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

30 Minutes for 30 Days: Day 3

Back to three ten minute drills, this time beginning with point control, slow, tight half circles around a pendulum, left and right hands.

For rapier, it's important to be able to utilize movements from the wrist instead of the arm.

Footwork was next. Five minutes slow, five minutes full speed. Today, I included pass throughs and turns; skills good to keep sharp in 360 degree combat.

Lunges were coupled with combinations, as in parry and riposte.  This moved into combining these attacks with footwork.

Performing parries and attacks while the body is in motion requires that the tip of the sword tracks the opponent.  All the angles relied upon when drilling linear, must be executed in motion.

Soon, I plan on including stance training. This is a throw back from my Gung Fu days, where fighting postures were held for increased amounts of time.

Forging ahead!

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