Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

30 Minutes for 30 Days: Day 15, Half Way There!

Beginning the second had of my challenge, I decided to add in off hand weapons. Tonight, I chose my dagger.

Guards change and the posture alters a bit. The trick to using an off hand weapon is not to get it tangled with your sword and not create an open channel that your opponent can exploit.

The first 10 minutes was footwork, using various guards and changing between sword lead and dagger lead. Also, changing hands for each weapon..

This flowed into the next 10 minutes which were parry/reposte/lunge combinations with both weapons., as always, working to not fall into the "1-2"  trap.

The final ten minutes were disengages with sword and dagger, 200 times each side, rotating weapons into each hands.

For the next two weeks, I'll be changing out off hand weapons to include cloak and buckler.

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