"Were our weapon despoiled of its proper steps, it would fall into the darkness of a serene night being orphaned of the stars."
- Antonio Manciolino
In fencing, "measure" or "misura" is the distance between opponents, from the tip of the sword to the opponent.
The type of measure you are in, or want to go into can be defined by that distance.
Rolling out an old yoga mat to help define distance, I worked on the following:
Narrowest Measure/Misura Strettisima - The distance at which I can strike my opponent’s lead arm with a simple extension of my own.
Narrow Measure/Misura Stretta – The distance at which I can strike my opponent with an extension or a lean of my body.
Wide Measure/Misura Larga – The distance at which I can strike my opponent with a lunge.
The wall target got a pretty good work out tonight. Soon, I'll be starting out of measure and moving into these.
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