Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fencing Night!

 I finally made it to practice, fencing single sword and sword/dagger.
I was able to get through three people, about 15 or 17 rounds, before my legs got a little wobbly.
Breathing wise, my lungs are doing well.
As I continue to work with other people, my techniques will come back.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

...And Measure Some More!

 I expanded the measure drills from the previous day.

Beginning with Narrowest/Strettisima, Narrow/Stretta and Wide/Larga Measure/Misura, each attack performed ten times in seconda and ten times in quarta.
Right and left sides done.

Adding Widest Measure/Misura Largissima. This is when you are far enough away from your opponent that you use a Passing Step/Passado, (crossing step) to land the strike.

Right and left sides/twenty times in seconda.

Variation: Execute a lunge, use a gathering step (rear foot to lead foot) and lunge again.

Right and left sides/ten times in seconda and ten times in quarta.

Cardio is improving and lungs are feeling stronger, most of this was done at speed.
I look forward to practice and sparring tomorrow!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Measure Up!

 "Were our weapon despoiled of its proper steps, it would fall into the darkness of a serene night being orphaned of the stars."
- Antonio Manciolino

In fencing, "measure" or "misura" is the distance between opponents, from the tip of the sword to the opponent.
The type of measure you are in, or want to go into can be defined by that distance.

Rolling out an old yoga mat to help define distance, I worked on the following:

Narrowest Measure/Misura Strettisima The distance at which I can strike my opponent’s lead arm with a simple extension of my own.

Narrow Measure/Misura Stretta – The distance at which I can strike my opponent with an extension or a lean of my body.

Wide Measure/Misura Larga  – The distance at which I can strike my opponent with a lunge.

The wall target got a pretty good work out tonight. Soon, I'll be starting out of measure and moving into these.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday, Saturday!

 So, the back end of a good week got a little derailed when I took a spill on Thursday. Banged up both palms, wrists elbow and knee but did manage to roll so I didn't hit my face or head. (Small victory)
Some swelling in in said areas kept me from practice on Thursday, but this morning was better.

Isometrics to begin, loosening up my wrists ad forearms.
Stretching to open up my abdominals, hips, spine, shoulders and neck. Knee and leg lifts have also been included.

Foot work!

Thrusts and lunges, right side only. Left elbow and knee are not supporting the actions at the moment.

Weights and planks are no go right now, but that should clear up in another day or two. 

2025 has not been very kind to my fencing, it has been getting frustrating, but I am determined to get things back in order for March.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Happy Wednesday!

The morning drive started with Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio, the second time in three days! Yesterday, I left work to Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now".
It's been a decent week, so far.

Minimal stiffness from the other night, all good.
Tonight was about limbering exercises:
Knee kicks
Leg lifts, front and side.

Basic yoga:


Butterfly pose/lower back stretch

Light weight work


Monday, February 24, 2025

Let's Try This Again!

 The last time I posted was during Lockdown, 2020.
A lot has happened since then, ups and downs; fortunately more ups.

I'm bringing the blog back to keep myself accountable for my off practice training. I'm getting my stamina back after a bout of Flu A, so in the rebuilding, I'm dedicating 30 minutes practice time. 

For now, I'm going for every other day, but I hope to increase the time over the next month.


Footwork (All work done on both sides)- Advance/retreat, crossing steps.

Thrust- Break down- 

  1. Extend
  2. Fold
  3. Lean forward
  4. Recover
  5. Unfold
  6. Back to guard
Combine into four moves, then two moves.

Light weights


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

30 Minutes for 30 Days, the Return: Day 30

"The Finale!" 

Day 30.

In a few days, we will be saying good bye to 2020; 2021 will not begin any easier but, with luck and a lot of work the winds will finally be at our backs.

Tonight was a combination of two previous drills:

A measure (misura) drill incorporating the thrust (stoccate/punta) and lunge (affondo). It's a timed drill, fitting x-amount of correct thrust and lunges into a set amount of time.

The four measures to cover are:
Strettissima - Point the sword to strike
Stretta - Point the sword and lean the upper body forward to strike
Larga - Point the sword, lean the upper body forward and bend the knee to strike
Largissima - Point the sword, lean the upper body forward and bend the knee and step to strike

A flowing guard drill. Going from one guard to another, it is easy to see where cut and thrusts would fill in those spaces; how an offense becomes a defense that becomes a counter attack.

This has been rewarding, it has kept me connected to fencing and with other my friends who have not seen or worked with each other since March.

All the stresses are still there and, in February, my District is bringing us back to the classrooms (hybrid); this challenge has put me back in my manuals, giving my brain a chance to just step away from all of this craziness and giving me more to deal and get through it.

This was a good choice.

Day 30!