Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Monday, November 19, 2018


 Myself fencing at the 100 Minutes War, mask art by me.
It's been six months or so since my last post. Life hasn't let up, yet. There's been good and bad, it's kept me running, regardless.
This passed Pennsic, I fell in with a great fencing unit called StormGuard.  My Master is also a member and once home I accepted their invitation, as well.

Good times!

Time constraints with work and school kept me from practice for over a month and it definitely took its toll, footwork needed to be tighter, attacks and defenses smoother.  Fortunately, it comes back quicker these days.

Being back in practice feels wonderful.  I can be stressed or exhausted, but once I'm suited up, giving a nod for a challenge and picking up my blades and I'm feeling good and ready to go.

At the 100 Minutes War, I was surprised being inducted into the Order of the Silver Rapier. It's an award of martial prowess in the List and in the melee field.  It was completely unexpected, but I was deeply honored and grateful to be recognized in such a way.

The Order of the Silver Rapier award scroll by Master Orlando Sforza (George Lavigne)

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