Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Working it Through

Tuesday night saw some good fights.  Last week lessons (See "What Long Quillions You Have!") definitely took root.  While not perfected, blade gaining and re direction was happening a lot more.

Most of my bouts were single rapier.  It's good to keep this form fresh and growing, it's easy to get wrapped up in companion weapons but it can take away from the singles skills.

Footwork felt better measured and attacks more decisive.

For companion weapons, I chose the cloak and buckler for the night.

Cloak is not like anything else, in my opinion.  Mine is full length and made of wool, it has some weight.  Cloak fighting requires a balance of controlling the cloak and working with its movement.  Finding this balance allows the fencer to go from linear to circular movements smoothly, if not, it's easy to have it turned against you.

Buckler is fun. It is a brawling weapon on the surface, but by employing angles for deflection and the edge for misdirection, it is also a complex companion.  Also, it's less wear and tear on the fencer.

In a previous post, I talked about how practice was theraputic; I suppose the universe decided to test me.  My cousin passed away the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend.  

Being a teacher, I can't afford to have anything from my personal life effect how I interact with my students; it isn't their job to look after us, so it all has to be packed away until I get home.

Tuesday did its job.  I had no control over losing my cousin, I have no control over the pain of his wife and children, or anyone else's, but I could exercise control over my action in the List. I could focus and immerse myself in my fights.  Engage my opponient's and hug as friends and compatriots after.  It gave me a break.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Many Thanks

Today, I give thanks to the First Bladesmith, the First Master and the First Student.
I give thanks to generations Martial Artist for their sacrifices so we may learn.
I give thanks to my brothers and sisters of the sword for sharing your skills and knowledge and your comeraderie.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What Long Quillions You Have!

At practice on Tuesday, my teacher and I worked on blade alignment and controlling the opponent's weapon.  "You have these long quillions, let's put them to work!".

Swordplay relies on subtle techniques to make the more familiar cuts and thrusts more successful. In the movies, most choreographies show a lot of swinging and blade to blade action, but a small turn of the blade can take an attacking blade out of line, allowing for a successful strike.

The drill we worked on was turning the rapier and using the quillions (cross guard) to grab the opponent's blade and countering with a thrust.  These turns are small, a quarter to half an inch as the wrist rises and the blade is grabbed and opponent on point.  When combining the snare with a rising wrist, it keeps the incoming blade away from your arm or vitals.

It was an effective drill and taught many lessons that were applied in the bouts that occurred after that.

Monday, November 19, 2018


 Myself fencing at the 100 Minutes War, mask art by me.
It's been six months or so since my last post. Life hasn't let up, yet. There's been good and bad, it's kept me running, regardless.
This passed Pennsic, I fell in with a great fencing unit called StormGuard.  My Master is also a member and once home I accepted their invitation, as well.

Good times!

Time constraints with work and school kept me from practice for over a month and it definitely took its toll, footwork needed to be tighter, attacks and defenses smoother.  Fortunately, it comes back quicker these days.

Being back in practice feels wonderful.  I can be stressed or exhausted, but once I'm suited up, giving a nod for a challenge and picking up my blades and I'm feeling good and ready to go.

At the 100 Minutes War, I was surprised being inducted into the Order of the Silver Rapier. It's an award of martial prowess in the List and in the melee field.  It was completely unexpected, but I was deeply honored and grateful to be recognized in such a way.

The Order of the Silver Rapier award scroll by Master Orlando Sforza (George Lavigne)