Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Steel Therapy

"Steel Therapy" is a term that many fencers I know have come to use.

It could be a rough day at work, all sorts of stress crushing in and it's amazing what a couple of hours at fencing practice can do to ease things.

This was definitely needed on Tuesday; some sibling stuff blew up and left me upset and a bit scrambled. After talking to my wife she said "you are going to fencing practice, yes?".


Suiting up, rapier in hand and the therapy began.  There's just something about losing yourself in a match; nothing else exists except for your weapon, your opponent and their weapon.

By the end of the evening, I'm soaked with sweat, lessons learned, some laughs had, and much more centered.

Gotta love Steel Therapy.

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