Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Fencer's Mardi Gras

I must say, the cloak is a tiring parry weapon, but damn fun!

I'm getting more comfortable with it, but I have to work on smaller movements and keep an angled guard.

It can encompass some pretty intricate strategies as well as simple voids and wards.

Master Orlando brought a bag of Mardi Gras bling for fighting incentives: beads for anyone who can beat him three out of five fights and chocolate coins for those whose fighting showed style as well as skill.

He is an amazing fencer, so the challenge was very real; so much so that only one of us, Malcolm, won the challenge.

For myself, I was only able to score one win off of Orlando (single rapier), but he observed that my guards and defense had improved and earned a coin.

Good times!

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