Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Cloak and No Dagger

"That I may continue in the weapons which are most unusual and most commonly worn: After the Dagger, I come to the Cloak: The use whereof was first found by chance and reduced into Art."

-Giacommo di Grassi, 1570 (Translation by Norman White)

Might as well do a quick follow up.

Last night I went to practice with my dagger sitting home and a full length wool cloak in its place.  Good fights were had that night as I began my "single rapier/cloak only " trek.

I began studying this form a couple of months ago but, as discussed previously, the dagger was a huge distraction.

Cloak is an interesting parry tool.  It gets wrapped around the forearm and the rest drapes.  In its use, it can mask your own sword and footwork as well as deflect and redirect the opponent's weapon(s).  It also requires a certain amount of conditioning as its a constant weight hangi from an outstretched arm.

The arm and hand are at risk, so situational awareness and position of the guards is paramount.

I'm really enjoying this challenge and after a series of bouts, I was able to qualify in its basic proficiency.

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