Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trading Steel

Our Glen Gardner practice was packed last night!  We had visitors come down to bring some nice variety to an already varied spectrum of skill.

I fought single rapier, and rapier and dagger.  My guards are definitely tighter and the angles of attack and defense are getting smoother.

There was a lot of fast and hard fighting, and we all left sweaty, tired and happy.

I had a lesson in the use of cloak, after the Bolognese Tradition.  Instead of a waist cloak or caplette, this is a full length cloak, wrapped around the forearm.  It's pretty versatile, being able to conceal and confuse an opponent by masking footwork and blade position. It's also use to redirect and deflect and attack, and to even ensnare.

I'm going to be working with this on a more regular basis, and have been pulling up some period references.

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