Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

100 Minutes

This  passed Saturday was an SCA event calle The 100 Minutes War.  It's primarily a heavy weapons event, where two armies are assembled and they fight for 100 minutes.  It's a serious endurance test and a whole lot of fun.

Fencers are making their own stake in it and we were given some really fun scenarios to fight through.  We fought in a "maze", a set of natural patches through a patch of woods, while different conditions of conflict were chosen, some were a basic search and destroy with single "deaths", others had more tactical goals, such as capture the flag where, if  " killed" you go back to base and "resurrect".

Aside from having to rely on tactics and team fighting,  we had to adapt to fighting on uneven terrain, and clashing with numbers that could become uneven very fast.

I decided to fight rapier and buckler for the entire day.  It lent itself to the situations quite well, and fighting off multiple opponents made my shield hand to remain mobile and "live" and working in ending fights fast, as getting tied up men's getting taken out.

It was a good day, with strong comraderie and skilled fencers.

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