Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Roses and Bear Pits

In the SCA, when a Queen's time on the throne is done, she is known as a Lady of the Rose.  Each year, these Ladies have formed teams of rattan fighters, fencers and archers to compete against each other.

This year, I had the honor of fencing for Duchess Kienna; she's a great leader and an even better friend.

Great fights, I got to cross swords with people I had only seen fence before.  Well worth the wait!

It began to rain, so it was an interesting exercise modifying footwork on the fly so as not to slide and such.

Last week, at our Glen Gardner practice, we ran bear pits.  This is when two enter, the winner stays to fight the next challenger.

Depending on the setting, limits can be put in how many wins a fighter can hold the pit for.  For expediency, we made the limit three.  By doing so, it does not give a lot of time for the body to cool down.

This was a real contest of endurance as well as prowess and a lot of fun; we should definitely do more of them!

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