Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Happy Wednesday!

The morning drive started with Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio, the second time in three days! Yesterday, I left work to Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now".
It's been a decent week, so far.

Minimal stiffness from the other night, all good.
Tonight was about limbering exercises:
Knee kicks
Leg lifts, front and side.

Basic yoga:


Butterfly pose/lower back stretch

Light weight work


Monday, February 24, 2025

Let's Try This Again!

 The last time I posted was during Lockdown, 2020.
A lot has happened since then, ups and downs; fortunately more ups.

I'm bringing the blog back to keep myself accountable for my off practice training. I'm getting my stamina back after a bout of Flu A, so in the rebuilding, I'm dedicating 30 minutes practice time. 

For now, I'm going for every other day, but I hope to increase the time over the next month.


Footwork (All work done on both sides)- Advance/retreat, crossing steps.

Thrust- Break down- 

  1. Extend
  2. Fold
  3. Lean forward
  4. Recover
  5. Unfold
  6. Back to guard
Combine into four moves, then two moves.

Light weights
