Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Quarantine Solo

"Silent Goddess
Won't you
Conduct my fears away"
- Silent Goddess, Kamelot

Tonight's practice is brought to you by Kamelot's "The Fourth Legacy".

I like training in the quiet and sometimes I enjoy working with music. This was one of those times.

Footwork and stance conditioning to start, shifting lead right to lead left. Crossing steps, then gathering steps.
Slow, at first.
Break it down:
1- Step with the lead foot
2- bring up the rear foot
1- retreat back with the rear foot
2- follow with the lead.

Don't let the body bounce or rise and fall, control the breath.

And so on.

Tonight I worked rapier and dagger against the ball and target.

After point control against the ball, it was time to go after the target. Putting the ball in motion, I attacked the target while using the dagger to block or redirect the swinging ball.

Keeping covered while attacking isn't always easy. If the off hand/weapon is out of place, it could lead to a double kill or, if the attack misses, then you get hit.
An unpredictable swinging ball made for a good drill!

Online training has helped. Some are live, some posted recordings.  Some are better than others, but they all help.
Checking in with my friends to see how they aare doug and if they're training is definitely spirit lifting.

Some friends have had to get tested and are waiting results, another friend is home, but still on oxygen; our township went from three positive cases and zero fatalities to 280 positive cases and eight fatalities in less than four weeks.

I know we will get through this, but the raid is long and rocky.

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