Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade
Tools of the Trade

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Single Passes

Tonight's  challenge was to complete fifty passes with single rapier. I'm recovering from a tendon injury in my foot from last week, but I didn't want to miss any practice.
I made twenty five passes across four opponents tonight.

Fight one was fun. My opponent brought rapier and dagger against my single rapier and off hand. They were fun passes, and I made sure to keep the dagger out of direct play as much as possible.

My second fight saw me telegraphing, due to mobility being compromised. Not a great habit, and I made sure to be conscious of it the rest of the night.

Number three was single on single, I brought a bit more of a cutting game and many of my kills were made in tight crunches.

I took breaks between bouts, I was feeling a throbbing pain start to develope, so I made my fourth fight my last one. It was a good challenge as we traded off power plays, and worked each other's angles.

So, twenty five passes instead of fifty. Eh, it happens. Healing is most important.

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