Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Return to War

It's been a while since I last posted.  The tendonitis in my elbow flared a bit, so I decided to take it easy before my return to Pennsic.

It's been two years and a change in camps since my wife and I were there last. There were a few changes, but for the good.

We had insane heat indexes, turning an 84 degree day into a 102 degree mess.

First day of fighting was pretty good, myself and others held a ridge for the better part of two hours, stopping our opponents from flanking us and rolling into our backfield.

There were many delays and holds making all of this happen much later in the day and going on for much longer than it should have.

Towards the final half hour a combination of blood sugar crash and overheating took me off the field fro the day.  It was disappointing, but a lot of good work got done, our side winning the day.

Tuesday, I came back, feeling better and better supplied. Some fast fighting on the fly and another victory for us.

Good times.

Those were my only two days on the field.  My elbow was seriously over worked and we still had a camp to break down at the end of the week.

Since coming back, I'm resolved to work on better technique, better cardio and strength building.

There is a lot to strive for over the coming year and a lot of really capable fencers to push and test me along the way.

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