Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Early Birthday Present

I was waiting for this particular practice since last week.  Driving down to site with Aerosmith playing, I was feeling both nervous and jazzed.

I will be turning 48 on Thursday and I decided to set a goal for myself; a fight for each year.  Yep, 48 fights in two hours.

I went in and made my intentions known to everyone, no backing out now!

So it began.  Good fights, hard fights.  There were well earned wins and losses that were lessons learned.

In the end, I did not do 48 fights.

I finished at 50.

I'm exhausted and sore, and this is the best I've felt in a long time.

Happy birthday to me!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday Night

Lots of brand new faces tonight!  It was great seeing loaner gear and rapiers go into people's hands for the first time.

I had some good fights tonight, I decided to focus on my mobility and footwork.  Much of my Gung Fu stepping is starting to come back.  It is very similar to some of the European schools.

Worked up a good sweat, did a few melee passes.  Shower and crash time now.

Tuesday Night

Lots of brand new faces tonight!  It was great seeing loaner gear and rapiers go into people's hands for the first time.

I had some good fights tonight, I decided to focus on my mobility and footwork.  Much of my Gung Fu stepping is starting to come back.  It is very similar to some of the European schools.

Worked up a good sweat, did a few melee passes.  Shower and crash time now.

Monday, July 11, 2016

An Old Poem

I figured that I would open my new blog with a poem I wrote some years ago.

My Reflection or My Soul?

Earth and Air and Fire and Water, These birthed you.
Hundreds and hundreds of hammer blows, These shaped you.
Gliding ‘cross the oiled stone You first shared your voice.
The life giving killing edge, My sword is given life.
In my hands we learn One another’s language.
Cut and Thrust and Parry!
Hands blister, shoulders burn.
Advance, Retreat and Circle!
Legs ache, learning to walk.
Cut and Thrust and Parry!
Hands calloused, body stronger.
Advance, Retreat and Circle!
Bold steps, getting faster.
My reflection or my soul,
Which do I see in your sheen?
My reflection or my soul?
Stand for Justice, protect what I love!
My reflection, or my soul?
For Life, for Honor!
My reflection, or my soul?

 Thomas V. Berger 2012